Court Fees Involved with Administrating a Will

shutterstock_211364203Under Connecticut law, the taxes and fees that used to be imposed years ago are no longer in place. Now, probate court fees are based on the size of the estate and typically run anywhere from $500-$2000. Again, those are typical estates. If it’s a large estate, the fees will be more and we can review that with you after you’ve taken an inventory of what the assets of the estate are. Now, there may also be Connecticut succession taxes, or estate taxes as they’re now referred to, but those are not nearly significant as they once were either. However, we can’t let you know until you’ve done an inventory of the estate. We determine what assets were held by the deceased at the time of his or her death. But again, that’s part of what we do when we guide you through the probating process.

This informational blog post was brought to you by Marc N. Needelman, an experienced Hartford, Connecticut estate planning attorney. If you have any questions, contact the law office to set up a free initial consultation. 

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