What Are the Methods of Protection for Domestic Violence Victims?

Domestic violence, unfortunately, affects many individuals around the world. In Connecticut, there are laws put into place to prevent individuals from harming, stalking, or threatening anyone that is a member of their family, someone they live with, or someone they have dated. Connecticut also has laws in place that work with victims of domestic violence and provides them with the protection they require to keep their abuser out of their life so they can move on and feel safe once again. If you are a victim of domestic abuse, the time is now to retain the services of an experienced criminal attorney who will help fight for your rights in court. Give our firm a call today to learn how we can assist you.

What is domestic violence?

Domestic abuse victims can be of any gender, age, economic status, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. Domestic violence can be seen in any of the following actions:

  • Homicide
  • Physical, psychological, emotional, and sexual abuse
  • Harassment
  • Terroristic threats
  • Stalking
  • Controlling behavior

What are the most common methods of protection for domestic violence victims?

The state of Connecticut has laws in place to offer several ways to give a victim the security they require including the following examples of protection:

Civil restraining order: This order protects victims of domestic violence from further abuse by requiring the abuser to leave their home. It will also require them to stop all contact with the victim. A civil restraining order can be filed for up to one year with the possibility of an extension.

Early lease termination: This court order offers victims the right to end a current lease early without penalties if they are in immediate danger. The victim must provide their landlord with a 30-day notice.

Criminal protective order: This protection order offers protection to victims from further abuse similar to a civil restraining order. However, this order can only be filed following the arrest or arraignment of the abuser. This order stays in effect typically until the criminal case is over.

Address confidentiality: This allows victims of violence to keep their address private through the Address Confidentiality Program which provides individuals with a different mailing address to maintain their residence private.

Leave from employment: Abuse victims are awarded up to 12 days off in a year to seek medical care or attend court proceedings after an incident of violence.

Contact our Firm

Marc N. Needelman is an experienced attorney working throughout the state of Connecticut. If you need an attorney who is ready to fight for the financial compensation you deserve, please do not hesitate to contact us to set up a free initial consultation. Our firm deals with matters relating to real estate, personal injury, criminal defense, estate planning, and more.

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