Who Is Responsible If I Crash a Rental Vehicle?

Any car accident can result in a lot of paperwork, but accidents involving a rental vehicle can get a bit more complicated. If you have suffered injuries in such an accident and you are confused about what to do next, our Hartford County car accident attorneys may be able to help. We can look at the facts of your case and determine who should be held responsible.

Who Can Be Held Liable for Rental Vehicle Accidents?

Rental car accidents can be similar to your typical car accident. Multiple people can be held responsible for contributing to a crash. Some common scenarios include:

  • You were driving a rental car and someone else hits you through no fault of your own. You sue the other driver.
  • You were driving a rental car and hit someone else, but it was only due to mechanical failure. A rental car company could be held liable here.

If you believe that another party is responsible for the accident, you can go after their insurance company just as you would in any other car accident. If you think that the rental company is responsible because they did not properly care for their vehicles, that can be a bit tougher to prove. If you think that a number of factors and parties contributed to your accident, you may want the assistance of a knowledgeable car accident lawyer who can help you sort all of this out.

What Are Some Common Injuries in Rental Car Accidents?

The damage to the rental car and other vehicles involved in the crash are not the only things to worry about. Rental vehicle accidents can also cause plenty of serious injuries, including:

  • Cuts and scrapes
  • Broken bones
  • Organ damage
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Concussions
  • Disability or disfigurement

Can I Sue for Compensation After a Rental Vehicle Accident?

You may be able to sue for compensation after a car accident, but whether or not you need to can depend on what kind of insurance coverage you have and what kind of agreement you signed with the rental vehicle company. A common example is the waiver for collision damage. This is often offered at an extra cost and absolves you of responsibility if your rental car is damaged.

If you have injuries, you may have to pursue compensation that can help you pay medical bills and make up for lost wages. In cases like these, a lawyer from our firm can help you sue and go after another driver’s insurance policy or the rental car company if they were negligent in some way.

If you are blamed for the accident, you may not be able to sue. You need to look at the kind of insurance coverage you have and how you are protected.

Schedule Your Consultation

If you have been injured in an accident with a rental vehicle, contact the Law Offices of Marc N. Needelman. We can help you pursue compensation and hold any liable parties responsible. Schedule your free initial consultation today!

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