What Legal Recourse Do I Have as a Postal Carrier Against the Owner of a Dog that Bit Me?

Dog BiteQuestion:

I am a postal carrier and was delivering a package.  I knocked on the door, and the lady opened the door a crack & stuck her hand out. Her two dogs burst through the door & into the front yard (They were small dogs & although they were barking, I was not afraid).  The lady came outside & I gave her the package, as I turned to walk back to the truck, I could feel what felt like razors in my calf.  I told the lady that her dog had bit me and she replied, “was it the brown one?”  I said that I didn’t know which dog it was that had bitten me and showed her the bite. She didn’t apologize but only said that her dog’s shots were up to date & then she went inside. I have 3 puncture wounds, they are bleeding, bruising, swelling & I’m in a lot of pain. I already contacted animal control.  Do I have legal recourse?


In Connecticut, there is absolute liability on the part of an owner or keeper of a dog for any injuries it causes to others.  This is called strict liability.   Virtually every home owner is insured for this type of matter, so be sure to have an attorney send a formal notice to the owner.  Also make sure that your employer is promptly made aware of the attack and injury.  This will also involve Workers Compensation, as it was an injury suffered on the job.

Finally, report the attack to the police, so that there is an official record of the event.


This legal question was provided by Avvo and answered by Marc Needelman an experienced Hartford Dog Bite Lawyer.  This does not consent an attorney client relationship.

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