What are Some Recommendations if the Seller Can’t be at the Actual Closing in Hartford?

real estate education centerIf you as a seller can’t be on the closing, generally it’s not going to be a problem as long as you let us know in advance to the closing day. In those instances, we’ll either arrange for you to sign paperwork in advance or to execute a power of attorney. Appointing a power of attorney is allowing someone, other than yourself, perhaps a friend, relative or even someone here at our firm, to act in your place at the closing. The power of an attorney will be limited to the closing. We’re not interested in having a general broad form power of attorney. So again, it’ll only be good to make sure the closing takes place in accordance with your wishes.

Marc N. Needelman is an experienced real estate attorney, located in Hartford, CT.  Contact the law office with questions and get a free initial consultation.

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