Vehicle Modification Violations

The state of Connecticut and its law enforcement groups work hard to ensure that only safe vehicles are driving on the roads. In order to encourage drivers to keep their vehicles safe for themselves and the other cars on the road, there are a number statutes that apply to motorists. If you fail to comply with any of these statutes, you will face a number of fines, fees, and surcharges. These costs can quickly add up and amount to upwards of anywhere from $92-$225.

If you are pulled over by a member of Connecticut law enforcement for the failure to have headlights, you are subject to fines, fees, and surcharges of $92. If your motor vehicle does not have turn signals or brake lights, or a brake system at all, you are facing several $92 charges. If your motor vehicle has a defective horn, you are facing fines of up to $225. However, if your vehicle exceeds legal noise levels,  you are also subject to a $92 fine. If there is simply unnecessary noise coming from your vehicle, you may face a $225 fine.

These infractions can quickly add up and become very expensive. Not only will you be required to pay the fees, fines, and surcharges that you will incur because you violated State law, you will also be responsible for fixing the issues with your car, which can also be a large financial burden.

Many times, these violations are paired with multiple other infractions, so you may be facing further consequences. For example, if you are pulled over for excessive speeding but the officer notices your brake lights are out, you will not only receive a speeding ticket and points on your license, but also the fines for having no brake lights. Don’t get in unnecessary trouble. Keep your vehicle safe for yourself and others around you. If you have questions about the laws surrounding motor vehicles in Connecticut, you should consult with an experienced traffic violations attorney who can provide you with assistance.

Marc N. Needelman is an experienced Traffic Violations attorney working throughout the state of Connecticut. Contact the law firm to set up a free initial consultation.

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