Looking for a Job While on Workers Compensation


Depending on the nature of your injury and the benefits you’ll be receiving, you may be required to seek employment when you’re not able to return to your former position. That may be a temporary situation or may be a permanent situation. No two cases are alike and depending on your medical status, any limitations imposed by your treating physician or physicians, the nature of your job duties and the market place, you may be required to engage in job searches. If so, we will guide you through that process explaining what is required by law, what insurance companies will expect or hope to receive from you and what, if necessary, would be required by the workers’ compensation commissioner. Again, these are the duties we perform and the assistance we provide in connection with your workers’ compensation claim.

This informational blog post was brought to you by Marc N. Needelman, an experienced Hartford, Connecticut workers’ compensation attorney. If you have any questions, contact the law office to set up a free initial consultation. 

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