How Do I know How Much to Expect from a Wrongful Death Verdict in Bloomfield CT?

wrongful deathWrongful death cases are terribly complex and very often time –consuming. Again, no two individuals are the same. A wrongful death claim is certainly different from young person versus a middle-aged person or even an elderly person. So that person’s family situation, that person’s age, that person’s occupation, that person’s dependence all factor into the value of a wrongful death claim. For instance, the wages that that person would’ve earned over their lifespan are something the courts take into consideration and insurance companies have to as well. These are all the things that we document – the loss of life, the loss of consortium which is a spouse’s claim for the loss of companionship. These are all integral to the wrongful death claim and these are the things that we, as your attorneys, work very hard to bring together to present the most favorable light.

This informational blog post was brought to you by Marc N. Needelman, an experienced Hartford, Connecticut Wrongful Death Lawyer.

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