Driving with a suspended license in Connecticut is not in your best interest and can result in serious consequences. It is an offense that is punishable by jail time, a suspended sentence, and probation. Therefore, it is crucial for you not to drive while your license is suspended, and if you drive while your license is suspended for an alcohol-related offense, there is a mandatory jail term associated with your conviction. Under no circumstances should you drive while under a license suspension.
In Connecticut, if your license is suspended but still need to get to work, you may be eligible to apply for a hardship license. This would allow you only to drive to and from your place of employment. The employer will have to fill out paperwork that informs the state of your exact hours and schedule, and verifies that you do require transportation to work. Connecticut also has a special permit for those who are receiving higher education and need to get to their classes. This permit also requires an application to be filled out.
If you are cited, please contact us right away. In many instances, our firm has been able to minimize the adverse consequences of that charge but you will need to contact us immediately so that we can work out a defense for you.
Marc N. Needelman is an experienced Traffic Violations Defense Attorney, working throughout the state of Connecticut. Contact the law firm to speak with an experienced lawyer and set up a free initial consultation.