Connecticut Laws for Teen Drivers

When a teenager obtains either their Learner’s Permit or their Driver’s License at age 16 or 17, they are subject to age-specific driving laws in addition to the other driving laws that apply to the rest of drivers in Connecticut. If a teen driver violates these restrictions, they may have their driving privileges revoked.

When a teen driver has their Learner’s Permit, they are only permitted to have certain people in as a passenger in the car. The passenger may only be a parent/legal guardian or a driving instructor. This is also the case when for the first six months that the driver has obtained their official driver’s license  During the second six months of that first year, the driver is only allowed to have passengers that are their immediate family.

Drivers under the age of 18 are also subject to a curfew and are not permitted to drive between 11 pm and 5 am, unless it is for school, a job, religion, or out of medical need. If you violate Connecticut’s passenger restrictions or curfews, your driver’s license will be suspended for 30 days and you will be required to pay a $175 license restoration fee once the suspension is over. This consequence also applies to any teenage driver who is found texting and driving. The consequences only become more severe when there has been more than one offense. Connecticut has a number of other restrictions placed on drivers who are under the age of 18.

It is important that teenage drivers are aware of Connecticut’s many restrictions imposed on them in order to ensure they do not lose their driving privileges. If you have committed a traffic violation, contact an experienced traffic violations attorney who may be able to assist you.

Marc N. Needelman is an experienced Personal Injury Attorney, working throughout the state of Connecticut. Contact the law firm to set up a free initial consultation.

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