Can I Sell My Home if the House is Under Foreclosure in Hartford?

for sale home house coupleIf you want to sell your home, but it is in foreclosure, we can work with you and your lender to determine the best possibility. Normally, if a bank is commenced for closure proceedings, it is because they haven’t gotten paid. They would not be foreclosing on you if they had gotten paid. Their primary interest is getting their payments and obviously, if we’re in a position to help you pay that mortgage off prior to the foreclosure running its course, most lenders are going to agree. However, this will involve time, money, required negotiations with the lender and an understanding of the process. This is where we can help you. If this seems like an option you would like to pursue, I highly recommend you contact an experienced real estate attorney whom you can trust to get this process underway.

Marc N. Needelman is an experienced real estate attorney, located in Hartford, CT.  Contact the law office with questions and get a free initial consultation.


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