In connection with every transfer of property, real estate title search is performed. That is a process where an attorney or title searcher goes into the land records and reviews the title of your property to determine whether there are any mortgages or any liens that have to be addressed. If there are any, then the attorney will work with the parties involved. If you’re a seller, the attorney is going to make sure that those mortgages or liens are paid off. If you’re a buyer, you want assurances to your attorney that those kinds of encumbrances or liens, as they’re called, are taken care of but that’s all done prior to the closing and title insurance is the norm in the closing as well which is insurance which guarantees good title to the property. A title insurance company is not going to issue a policy of insurance unless a proper title search has been done and attorneys will verify that title is now good and clear. Once that has happened, you have your insurance in place. It’s worry-free.
Marc N. Needelman is an experienced real estate attorney, located in Hartford, CT. Contact the law office with questions and get a free initial consultation.